Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan Biblical Apostolate

The Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan Biblical Apostolate aims to make the Word of God available to all (DV c. VI, No.22). It hopes to achieve this through the following programs, viz.,
  • The widespread distribution of Bibles, in Pangasinan and other languages, to the Christian faithful of Pangasinan, since “easy access to sacred Scripture should be provided for all the Christian faithful” (DV 22).
  • The study, understanding and use of the Bible among Catholic clergy and Christian faithful who are active in the ministry of the Word and who are to learn “through diligent sacred reading and careful study of the divine Scriptures the excelling knowledge of Jesus Christ” (DV 25) though various JPII sponsored seminars and formations, like:
    • the Basic Bible Seminar (BBS), Bible Orientation Seminars, Core Team Formations, Trainers’ Training Seminars, Biblical Institutes, Bible Youth Camps, Bibliodrama Workshops, Recollections, Retreats and many more.
  • The promotion of the Lay Ministries of the Word that “will be able effectively to provide the nourishment of the Scriptures for the People of God” (DV 23).